


Kayaking trips along the legendary Outer Banks of North Carolina. Our most popular and nationally recognized program!

Your adventure begins....
Monday morning, you pile into the van with the rest of your group. You and everybody else are a little
jittery; apprehensive, but excited too. You sway from side to side as the van rolls along two lane roads through Eastern North Carolina, passing fields of tobacco and swampy tracts of pine trees. Suddenly the land ends.

You're crossing a bridge, and gazing for the first time at the water you'll be paddling on all week. Piling out of the van at Harker's Island, you're quickly at work organizing your gear while your guide divvies up water and food.
After stuffing and cramming your dry bags into the hatches of your slender boat, you're sliding your
kayak into the quiet water behind a jetty. Coming around the end of the jetty, you see nothing but open water between you and adventure. Led by your guide, surrounded by your troop it's time now to put those skills you learned yesterday to work. Cool salty water splashes
over you occasionally as your kayak cuts through the
waves. Conversation isn't really possible; you have to yell to make yourself heard over the wind, but you don't very much mind being left to your own thoughts as you
paddle. Your guide stops paddling and gets out of his boat. You're amazed to see him standing there, surrounded by miles of open water, the water hardly
reaching his knees. Now everybody's out of the boats. It's
a sandbar; a good spot, and a good time, for a break. Across the sound, you see pelicans skim the water with open beaks, catching bait fish as they fly. Wild ponies
leisurely graze on the grass growing up through the water on another nearby sand bar. Hopping back in your boats, you continue paddling to your first destination. You learn to prep your kayak for the night to keep critters out. After
a quick dinner under a picnic shelter, you carry your tent and bags across the island to the beach. You set up your tent, tucked between protecting sand dunes. It's been a day of new challenges, big and small. Now's it's finally time to slow down, to sit and watch the crashing waves
until the last rays of sunlight disappear. The moon rises above the horizon. Knowing a day of long-distance paddling will begin very early in the morning, you crawl into your tent, and are soon lulled to sleep by the rhythm
of the waves.